Dec 23, 2008
Dec 18, 2008
1-You find the gift that you like, for example Chiara earrings
2-BUT it is already the 23rd and it is too late to receive it by next night, you can buy it any way and send me a message (convo in Etsy language) or an email ( and I’ll prepare a personalized card for your gift:
3-I’ll send you (at no extra charge) a pfd file of the card that you can be easily printed at home, you’ll just need to have Adobe Reader (free download here) and a printer
Nov 24, 2008
Tetto sotto la neve
To tell you the truth this is not a real one, because in order to make a HDR picture you need four basic elements:
-a photo
-the same image photographed at high exposure value (E=~+2)
-the same image photographed at low exposure value (E=~-2)
and I had one and half: my photo and Photoshop
So I produced the over and under exposed copies with Photoshop, and then I followed this tutorial.
Now I have joined my first HDR group on flickr hoping to learn more and more!
Nov 20, 2008
Few weeks ago I've posted some shots of my new cufflinks,
Nov 18, 2008
Oct 31, 2008
Why I hate Halloween
I’m Italian, and when I left Italy in 2000 there was no sign of Halloween celebration there, the 1th of November is the real holiday for us. Halloween was something that I’ve seen only in the movies.
So you can imagine how thrilled I was for my very first Halloween.
I had studied “Halloween how-to” quite well, I had asked around what kind of treats I should have, and how should I greet the kids…so I was ready! The house was full of chocolates and candies, the lights were all on and in addition I came home earlier than usual (which implies I had to spend an extra hour stuck on the L.A. freeways traffic).
I waited and waited and waited….not even one kid showed up and the worst part was that next day I called my parents in Italy and they told me that some kids had rung at their door asking “Dolcetto o scherzetto” (trick or treats)!
Oct 24, 2008
Frucci Design jewelry at OCMA
I was much honored to be asked to send a selection of my paper jewelry for the museum retail shop. These piece and more are at the store for the grand opening!
By the way if you haven’t visit the online museum collection check it out here
Oct 22, 2008
Does blog banner matter?
This is the kind of question that never finds a single good answer. It is like asking if appearance matters more than substance. What do you think?
My personal answer to this dilemma is yes it matters!
Don’t take me wrong I’m not a superficial person, but it matters if you’re trying to introduce yourself through a visual media like the web.
Why fingerspelling?
Because it is made with hands or handmade, and my blog is about what I do and my hands are my most important tool!
By the way, while researching for this article I found out that the word BANNER comes from late Latin bandum, a cloth out of which a flag is made (Latin banderia, Italian bandiera).
Oct 20, 2008
I'm a member of crafthaus
I've been invited by Brigitte Martin to join a new contemporary art, design and fine craft network crafthaus.
It is a true honor for me to be part of this community, especially because most of the artists that I admire are members!
This is my page where I've added a little detail for most people, but a big change for me:
for the first time I'm using my name.
Oct 16, 2008
Last summer NORDSTROM advertising campaign saw artist Ruben Toledo and photographer Ruven Afanador teaming up to produce these fantastic pages
Now I'm giving these pages new life, transforming them into man jewelry!
Here are few shots of my work in progress
Oct 9, 2008
I have...all the time!
And I’m so luck, I always find the trigger to pull it out of there!
This time it was a customer who asked for a pair of earring to match INSERTO R pendant
her request has unleashed this idea for new earrings that was floating in one of my brain drawers for quite some time
Oct 1, 2008
Discarded to Distinctive
My work was selected to be part of the eco-friendly exhibition, "Discarded to Distinctive", that is opening today and on display through Nov. 16 at the Ross Art Museum .
Twelve pieces are on displaytogether with the work of Chakaia Booker, Lyne Kearns, Hayley Muse Rupersburg and Aurora Robson:
"We have five artists who are all doing wonderful things with items that are easily overlooked," said Tammy Wallace, first assistant for the museum and curator of the new exhibit. "These women have truly elevated their raw materials into unique, beautiful, sometimes amusing, and sometimes inspiring expressions of creativity. Ultimately, the goal is for everyone to re-think the items they toss into the trash and ask themselves: 'Can this be recycled? Can this be reused? What could I turn this into?'"
And the icing on the cake was that my RB Shlelly was chosen to be on the exhibition flier!
Sep 28, 2008
Aber TERRA necklace
I love colors and I generally try to incorporate them as much as I can in my work
...but sometime it just doesn't happen!
May 7, 2008
Second day of school
…but of course the other side of the story is that not all of them come out at all!
May 3, 2008
May 2, 2008
I made it!!!!

here are the 10 questions they asked:
1. Tell us a bit about yourself (name, location, affiliations, personal stuff).
2. Apart from creating things, what do you do?
3. What first made you want to become an artist?
4. Please describe your creative process (how, when, materials, etc).
5. What handmade possession do you most cherish?
6. Name your top five books, movies, songs/musical groups, and websites (besides Etsy).
7. What advice would you give to artists who are new to Etsy?
8. What are your favorite features on Etsy? What new features would you like to see?
9. How do you promote your work?
10. In ten years I'd like to be...
now if you want to know the asnwer check out the all interview
May 1, 2008
Maker Fair
I'll be there on Saturday demoing my PETALI kit.

Please stop by just to say hi or if you feel more crafty bring by some shopping bags and get ready to step in my recycled paper world!
See you there!!
P.S. here is the map of the fair...have fun!!
Apr 25, 2008
Casting my name
These are few sketched ideas
The wax model was sprunged it and invested
The ring was casted and here is how it looked once the silver was quenched
The sawed out ring is ready for the cleaning process
But I couldn’t resist trying it on!
Apr 22, 2008
It is the new eco friendly brooch in my shop, made of old magazine page and embroidered with tiny blue seed beads.
On a black jacket it really pops out!
Apr 21, 2008
If you had to choose among 36 colors, which one would you pick?"
This was what Brooke was wondering about few days ago…when she had a fabulous idea: “why pick just one? why not more and all together?”
So everything started combining colors
…paper was cut…
…transformed into tridimensional elements…
…few of the tiniest seed beads were included and sterling silver wire was hammered…
BROOKE earrings are now part of my paper jewelry collection.
Grazie Brooke
Qual’e’ il vostro colore preferito?
Se aveste 36 colori fra cui scegliere per quale optereste?
Questo era cio’ che si chiedeva Brooke qualche giorno fa…quando le e’ venuta una fantastica idea: “Perche’ limitarsi ad uno, perche’ non di piu’”
Cosi’ tutto e’ cominciato con la scelta dei colori…
… la carta e’ stata tagliata…
…trasformata in elementi tridimensionali…
…alcune perline aggiunte, l’argento e’ stato battuto..
..ora gli orecchini BROOKE fanno parte della mia collezione di gioielli!
Apr 16, 2008
Bond's dad
As a little girl I use to love James Bond movies...the music, the humor, the locations, and if you want to know my personal preference on the usual question who is the best James...I must reply Sean Connery of course!!
Apr 11, 2008
Visit to LACMA
But I have been postponing the visit to LACMA for so long, and why? Simple! it was just too close, too handy!
I tend to procrastinate when something it’s so easy to do that could be done it anytime!
Well, now I have no time left, I’m leaving LA in 20 days so I had to go!
The new opened building of the Broad Contemporary Art Museum is a travertine box surrounded by red steel beams by Renzo Piano:
I was very happy to find the first floor of the BCAM dedicated to one of my favorite metal sculptor: Richard Serra.
I'm posting videos for both the two Serra's sculptures, Band and Sequence, which, in my modest opinion, describe better than a single photo the dynamicity of these two masterpieces and give the flavor of what an incredible experience is walking in these giants
While we were strolling about the second floor, I entered a room and..SURPRICE a gigantic table immediately made me feel tiny (which is generally not easy to do being almost 5.10”!)

Therrien's "Under the table", an almost 10 ft tall sculpture, brought me back when I was a little child and I could crawl under the table, while adults had their supper...down there it was a world made just for little ones!
Now I'm really ready to leave LA!
Apr 8, 2008
March Madness
The mosaic below kind of summarizes few of the events, but now I should be able to get back on track and blog regularly again!
The biggest news of all…well there few I can’t reveal yet, but one I certainly can:
I’m leaving sunny California in direction of up state NY…more precisely to Rochester!
Mar 25, 2008
Have you ever met a bare protein in person?
So let me introduce you to my protein, well not really mine, I’m just studying it!

The yellow solution in the tube contains the protein, leaving out too many technical details, my protein is dissolved in that liquid.
I’m trying to study this protein by NMR.
NMR is a powerful technique used to “look” at some protein atoms (hydrogens, carbons and nitrogens) in order to understand how the protein 3D structure looks like.

In few words it is like doing a tomography or an MRI, but instead of a person's body I analyze a protein!
Mar 21, 2008
I have to say 98% of the time I hate those remainders, but today I was so grateful to read it!
Because I had totally forgotten about it!
So in few hours I'll be in San Francisco and I'll attend a three days metalsmith class at the REVERE ACADEMY.
In the mean time, I wish you HAPPY EASTER!
Mar 20, 2008
Open Studio Tours: Fru Snoops on
The first tour was into my space
This time I visited Michelle aka mcaplan wonderful working space
If you would like to show and share your working space, please leave o comment here.
Mar 19, 2008
How to properly post a screenshot or an illustration on Flickr.
Recently Flickr has changed its policy on safe contents, while before that some people used to be NIPSAed.
What does NIPSA mean?
It stands for Not In Public Site Areas, and the NIPASed accounts do not show up in public search (if you want to know more about NIPSA see here)
Now that the new filters are in use, you can avoid any flagging of your screenshot or illustration by labeling them properly.
Here are two methods for setting the content type while uploading the photos:
-in your flickr home page click Upload Photos
-click “show more upload settings”
-a large menu will come out, where you can set your file content (photo/screenshot/illustration) or safety level.
-look for the “content type” menu on the right
Here are two methods for changing the content type on uploaded photos:
-on the bottom right of your photo page find the link Flag your photo
-set the content type
-click on “Organize” button on the tool bar
-once in the organize window, you can drag in the center as many photo as you like (in my example I just used one) and click the Permission button
-chose from the menu “Set content type”
-set the content type
-go back to your home page by clicking the Your Photo link on top right of the page
TIP for Etsians: use one of these methods to set the content of your treasury screenshots...and happy flickring!